Holidays, Shopping

10 Christmas Gift Ideas for Writers

It’s the day after Thanksgiving (hope you had a great one!), which means it’s time for the annual question: “What do I get my writer friend/family member for Christmas?” So, as usual, I’ve put together a list of ideas. Note that I have not tried all of the ideas, so you do so at your own risk. Ready?

  1. A writer subscription box…like Scribbler.
    This box can be paid for monthly, for three months, 6 months, or you can have one annual billing. Contents are a surprise each month, I believe, and are geared toward aspiring authors.
  2. This hilarious mug from Etsy that really resonates with me. Writing is fun, but it’s also a pain a lot of the time.
  3. A nice pen. Like this one. It quotes Shakespeare 😉
  4. A Scrivener subscription. I’m not sure if they allow you to gift this, though. This software looks amazing.
  5. A Pomodoro timer. This one looks neat!
  6. A Starbucks gift card or a gift card to a local coffee house. We writers tend to be fairly predictable: a lot of us crave caffeine and it fuels our worktime. Plus, coffee houses/cafes are great places to write. So atmospheric.
  7. An encouraging/motivational sticker for a laptop.
  8. A book-inspired candle from Frost Beard Studio.
  9. A beautiful journal, such as this one. I love how there are no lines (a bit scary!) and the pages are lightly illustrated.
  10. A pair of bookish socks.

    What is something you think should be on the list but isn’t? Please share in the comments!

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