
Book Three of The Goblets Immortal – News

Belated news: On October 5, 2020, in the wee hours of the morning, I finished draft one of book three! YAY! Months of toiling, and I am sitting on a massive load of words, y’all. First comes love, then come marriage, then comes a novel in a baby carriage. Er. *crickets* Forgive me. The hour is late.

There is still a lot of rewriting ahead of me, but I have at least until mid-January to do it. I told my editor that I’m done, and he said that there is no rush. Good. Because 100,000 words is a lot to tear apart and mend.

My break from letting the manuscript rest has ended. Beta-readers have the manuscript (not all of it, but most of it), and I am awaiting their feedback. But while I wait, I work.

The title, you ask? TBD at my Facebook launch party for Holes in the Veil on February 16th, 2020. Yes, that is HitV’s release date. I’ll be posting a link/invite here on my blog and website when the date gets closer.

Also, keep an eye out for a contest coming in January. The prize will be pretty cool, imo. And if you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for my newsletter. I’m often hosting games and offering prizes. Each newsletter comes out the first Wednesday of every month, unless I have exciting news to tell you that can’t wait, then you’ll get the newsletter early.

That’s it. Hope you’re all staying warm and staying healthy.

Keep your nose in a book,

Picture of a cardboard box containing several copies of THE GOBLETS IMMORTAL.


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