
Get a Fun Story for Free When You Sign up for My Newsletter Now

Good news, email lovers!

I’m now giving away a free short story (formerly published with Typehouse Literary Magazine) to everyone who signs up for my newsletter. The process is fast, free, and easy.

You can sign up in the link provided on my homepage, or you can go to StoryOrigin and grab it now. All you need to provide is your name and email address, and you’ll get a link to DEATH DATE. You can unsubscribe from my newsletter any time, but I hope you’ll stick around. I offer prizes about every-other month (including books and Amazon gift cards) to those who live in the US (when Amazon allows me to ship things out of the country, then I’ll be more inclusive.)

Here’s a link to the sign-up page.

If you already receive my newsletter, go ahead and click on that link and sign up again. If it doesn’t work to download it, I will personally send a copy of DEATH DATE to your inbox upon request.

Don’t you just love that cover? It was made by the fabulous Paramita, cover artist at Creative Paramita. She offers quick service on her premade covers, which is what I bought. The prices are decent, which is a must. I recommend giving her site a look-over.

Happy reading,

P.S. A big thank-you to everyone who preordered Tempered Glass. If you contacted me for an incentive gift, I should be shipping them off in the next few weeks.

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